روان شناسی و مشاوره::
ساختار ذهنی
A scheme is a mental structure or unit that represents some aspect of the person's world.
The extension of the idea of grouping by adding visual representation, highlighting relations, making links more evident, and improving struc- tures leads to visual structures, concept maps, and conceptual networks, all of which help develop better mental structure and ensure stronger learning.
Comparison and contrast help build stronger mental structures because they lead your child to examine more closely the events or concepts and to identify those aspects that differentiate one from another.
Inference and deduction help build stronger mental structures because they lead your child to examine more closely the propositions and evidence to support or deny them.
The ability to apply what has been learned is very important both for its practical effect-the correct answer-and for strengthening the under- lying mental structure and assuring that your child builds confidence in his own abilities.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران